The government's total liabilities rose to Rs 150.95 lakh crore in December quarter from Rs 147.19 lakh crore in the three months ended September 2022, according to the latest public debt management report.
Since Apr-June (Q1) 2010-11, Public Debt Management Cell (PDMC), Budget Division, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance has been bringing out a quarterly report on debt management on a regular basis. The current report pertains to the q
The increase reflects a quarter-on-quarter increase of 2.6 per cent in October-December 2022-23.
In absolute terms, the total liabilities, including liabilities under the Public Account of the government, jumped to Rs 1,50,95,970.8 crore at the end of December 2022.
The report released by the finance ministry said public debt accounted for 89% of the total outstanding liabilities in December compared to 89.1% at the end of September