With the Enforcement Directorate (ED) alleging Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was deliberately eating the food items in jail to raise his blood sugar levels, thereby creating grounds for bail, and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) hitting back, the popular food items have found themselves in the spotlight for unlikely reasons.
The ED had on Thursday alleged that the CM, who is presently lodged in Tihar Jail after being arrested in the Delhi excise policy case, was deliberately eating mangoes and other food to raise his blood sugar levels and create grounds for bail
VK Saxena expressed concern over allegations of non-provision of insulin to CM Arvind Kejriwal in jail and directed DG Prisons to submit a report within 24 hrs.
A Delhi Court on Friday (April 19) said that it will examine if Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal followed the Court-approved diet chart while accepting home-cooked food in judicial custody. The.