thanks for coming on. always a pleasure. tucker: a quick outline of what kind of taxpayer subsidy in effect the nfl enjoys? the current millionaires and billionaires are associated with professional sports leagues including the nfl have a tax exemption. they don t have to pay taxes so that special treatment that is not afforded to just regular folks in my district or the small businesses on main street throughout america. it s my belief that if the congress is serious about getting rid of the loopholes and special interest giveaways and the tax code in the coming weeks and easy place to start is by not subsidizing and not getting special treatment to professional sports leagues, particularly when the nfl league office has embraced this unpatriotic behavior. tucker: are confused as to why the congress would be giving tax breaks to one of the most lucrative businesses in america whose employees in some cases are paid tens of billions of dollars a year. why would we have that in t