school boards to what ? look look into parents as domestic terrorists. mi now we re going to have a ministry of truth. you know, led by one of the biggest purveyors of disinformation. what has happening here? you know, i was going to call my dad real quick before this interview. i didn t have time. he s retired school teacher, my brother my sister in the special ed department. and i know exactly what they would say though. and they would think to that extent fortunate that any aid that the teachers union is supporting this kind of rhetoric and actions that will lead us to parents really being disallowed to be engaged in our child s education. so i did want to point out that there are some good teachers out there who don t believe in this and a lot of retired teachers too who are disgusted with what s going on . so, you know, that gives them some hope that there s those with that just the teaching credentials there. you know, they re on the right side. but yeah, no any mother who has