so-called top hot news organizations in this country exposed before the election as havingn colluded with the clinton campaign? remember wikileaks? if you are really interested int election interference, why didn t you care that a congressional investigation found in 2014 that an israeli politicalam group used a $300,00 dobama state department grant o create a political apparatus to try to defeat our ally, our friend, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu? or how about the wikileaks email? a campaign ad talking about a chinese ambassador wanting to have a private off the record meeting. do you members of this corrupt media even know about these stories? since you are so interested in prosecuting people and accusing themn of crimes, let s talk abot real crimes that have been committed that you in the media so often ignore. hillary clinton, let s see. we know she mishandled and destroyed top-secret special access government information. what about a real russian
implying? donald jr.,: as i recall, it was all about this email coordination. in the end, it wasn t about that at all. sean: lets go into the meeting. you meet at trump tower. the meeting was described earlier today on the today show. did she describe it accurately? donald jr.,: i think it was fairly accurate. i was a little surprised about me pressing information but it was hey, we have information. if there was some small talk. i don t remember what it wants. was nonsensical. then he quickly went on to a story about russian adoption and how we could possibly help. really, that s where we shut it down. it was like wait a second, what does this have to do with sean: had you heard about the magnitsky act? donald jr.,: i hadn t heard about it until that day. we were all there.
to her about it directly? i can also send this information to your father but it is ultrasensitive. it wanted to to you first. best, bob goldstone. donald trump jr. replied 20 minutes later. in following emails, the two go back and forth about setting up that phone call. they eventually work out a time for a sitdown meeting with this russian lawyer. donald trump jr. also released a statement explaining that he was releasing the emails, to be transparent. he also detailed white the meeting. his statement reads in part, the information they suggested they had about hillary clinton i thought was political opposition research. i first wanted to just have a phone call but when that did not
we could start with the server that was held in the townhouse in colorado. and then what james comey said when . and then james comey and that in in. he makes information based on a conversation. goes to a reporter, a friend of his at columbia law school and for the sole purpose of doing what? obtaining a special counsel. basically, look at this, sean. the special counsel is appointed based on evidence that was illegally distributed. think about that for a moment with the legitimacy of this entire process. instead, what we ve got now is donald trump jr. comes forward, releases all the emails. and the media is in a frenzy because he released the emails. unlike the opposition, who did
because of it. because of the last nine months, ten months. since it really became a thing. i think there is an element of context to that. it wasn t this big news story at the time. sean: what did you know about emin s father? with at the pageant? donald jr.,: they had successful real estate developments out there. i maintained a casual relationship, talked about some potential deals. that was the extent of it. sean: what do you know about this russian lawyer? donald jr.,: i didn t know anything about it. that acquaintance sent me this email. as a courtesy to him, i said, let s meet. i didn t know who i was meeting before hand. i never got the information until they were in the room. sean: at any point were you told during a phone conversation or otherwise what they might tell you? what goldstone seemed to be