As conflicts intensify ill be meeting with kid players on the ground in the stands as of. Cutting through the rhetoric holding the path of a couch thats the conflict zone. Conflict zone with Tim Sebastian on d. W. Time. In july this year unesco declared nonbook cathedral a World Heritage site. Since the reformation this thirteenth century cathedral in germanys protestant heartland has been a lutheran church. You know sco calls it a masterpiece of human creativity. One of the most significant witnesses to the
high middle ages in germany nonbook at the girl has been the Landmark Church of the central german town for some a hundred years. But even more famous than the building itself is the face of one of its founders inside the cathedral. And the cathedrals fame is due mostly to the work of a remarkable sculptor his name is not known but historians refer to him as the known borg master he created the choirs green with its extraordinarily realistic figures and the twelve donor figures cal
triumphing over evil victorious church can be seen there at the top christ is returning to earth to preside over the last judgment. because it s he warns that he stiffed. if you want a bit positions in which the founder figures are placed in the west choir as explained by the stained glass windows and the scheme of the west choir screen or here we see the major themes of christianity the redemptive death of jesus christ and his return at the last judgment architecture sculpture and stained glass form a unity. spec which doesn t exist anywhere else in this form is a form new organ for on disc it. are designed to construe one that represents a high point in the history of many evil art and architecture. eight hundred years later naam is honored to be recognized as