this music has been selling as well as hunter biden painting, wife decides to make headlines the old-fashioned way. a disgruntled grunter wrote anybody who normalizes or creates this racist conman, disgusting trump with any level of respect is also disgusting and my book. that is you joe rogan, mark mark wahlberg and you, guy fierri. he went there. white includes pictures of evil selel rities at friday s ufc event. sounds like he s listing people way more successful than him. the photo is from 2021, as if that matters. then white added, this is a statement from me, not a discussion or debate. i m glad he cleared that up, i was about to invite him to my book club. too bad, jack, you are a big phony. you sung at loretta lynn s funeral and she endorsed trump. you pale pissent. what a typical left winger, all he cares about is trump while people beat each other up in cages for money. tackle trump to the ground and try to peel back his orange devil mask? maybe that is what jack wh
there could be people who vote a certain way. i think the left is worst and the right can do it, too. if you are in a comment section, if you say democrats, i call them demon rats. greg: who are you imitating there? kat: the internet. tyrus: he s got blue hair, what do you want? kat: this is how the government gains more power. pit us against each other. tyrus: i get it, if record sales are down, tv ratings are down. blame trump. trump? we re talking about this guy, i don t know who the hell he is, he did what? he punched up and went after everybody and he said trump. trump is the magic word. if you say trump, people pay
that. here s the problem with fake butts and kat and i have discussed this at length. if you re not willing to put in the leg days, okay, you ve got to put the leg days. kurt: i shouldn t get it? tyrus: when the pole doesn t match the gear it doesn t look right and it sticks out and a regular butt woman who does leg day walks by and goes. and they look like a duck. greg: you re right the fake butt is so obvious. you opened my eyes to this i m always like that doesn t look right. tyrus: here s the thing the fake butt doesn t look right. the science isn t there yet. it s just not there yet. it looks like someone just injected too much cavity frosting and there s two little candles watching. that s why you know what i m talking about. unfortunately then they wear these things called leggings, and think make the butt look
speaking of hot kat: how will the show be different? give the viewers 10% more of what they have been going for, greg gutfeld. airing july 17th. [applause] greg: why are you applauding? tyrus: does that mean we get out early? greg: you give us 10% more kat? kat: i don t have more to give. tyrus: above my pay grade. shave 10% of greg off. greg: i will still be here. kat: so jack white. he could use more idlogical diversity in the circle he hangs out in. i guess he thinks a lot of people will be like, yeah, you don t want to demonize huge segmentes of the population.
a story in five words [cheers and applause]. greg: five words, beaches are covered in feces. i knew it all along kat, according to a report by environmental america, more than half of the nation s beaches are contaminated with poop and sewage making their waters unsafe to swim in. will that stop you from swimming kat, or are you so skinny the poop will just fly right by you? there was a compliment in there kat: was there? greg: yes. kat: i don t know. i did get swimmer s once. greg: what is that? kat: it passes through the poop. it s in the lake. you re supposed to shower but we traveled with this other family who was scared of the shower so