Paris Baguette has signed a partnership with Saudi Arabia s Galadari Brothers Group, a major business group in the Middle East, to expand its bakery shops into the region for the first time, Korea s largest bakery franchise said Monday.
Paris Baguette opened its 500th overseas store in Singapore, the Korean bakery chain said, Sunday, reflecting the company s rising popularity outside its homeland.
SPC Nickel Corp. , is pleased to release additional assay results from a series of short holes drilled immediately beneath the surface exposure of the West Graham mineralized zone. Results from the program continue to return thick, shallow. - Veroeffentlicht am 18.10.2023
SPC Nickel Corp. , is pleased to announce the completion of the Phase 1 and 2 drill programs at the West Graham Nickel-Copper Project , located in the world-class Nickel-Copper mining district of , . The completion of this drill program marks a key. - Veroeffentlicht am 10.10.2023