Inspired by real-life accounts of poverty in Malta, Ta’ Fuqha Senduqha is an original play in Maltese penned by André Mangion and directed by Toni
The satire Ġiraffa Ħarbet minn Kastilja, written by the playwright Aleks Farrugia and directed by Daniel Azzopardi, pokes at the many holes in the fabric of Mal
Girl in the Machine Dicembre 6, 2021 Girl in the Machine Under the direction of youth-theatre expert Michael Richardson, Stef Smith’s Girl in the Machine brings technophobia to the Maltese audience, engaging in a cautionary tale on digital dependency that draws from the literary tropes of dystopic posthumanism, from Aldous Huxley onwards. Italian Abstract Per la regia dell’esperto di teatro per ragazzi Michael Richardson, Girl in […]#