The rise of intangible assets on balance sheets is one key reason many professional investors argue the commonly used valuation measure is no longer useful.
The eulogies for the corporate conglomerate have been pouring in fast. But in fact, these monsters of modern business are now bigger, more powerful and perhaps more world-consumingly durable than ever they also look very different than in the past.
LONDON - Executives, beware! You could become your own worst enemy. Chief executive officers and other managers are increasingly under the microscope as some investors use artificial intelligence (AI) to learn and analyse their language patterns and tone, opening up a new frontier of opportunities to slip up. Late last year, according to language pattern software specialist Evan Schnidman, some.
CEOs and other managers are increasingly under the microscope as some investors use artificial intelligence to learn and analyze their language patterns and tone, opening up a new frontier of opportunities to slip up.