where rishi sunak is speaking in london. a top five exporter of iron or and a steal, a leader in energy, pushing forward renewables, hydrogen and electric vehicles, and a start up nation which helped spark names like paypal, whatsapp and revolut with a thriving tech sector that had a thriving tech sector that had a thriving year in 2022. the truth is that opportunity is still there today. in fact, the war has proved how much ukraine has to offer. when i visited kyiv last november i saw this for myself. i saw ukraine s incredible spirit. a spirit, yes, of strength and defiance. but also of ingenuity and innovation. in a converted office block i met tech experts, civilian and military, who were working together to find new ways to bolster the country s defences. they were networking
Move-In Day at Marymount "This Thursday, about 310 new students will arrive on Move-In Day and be celebrated as new members of the Marymount University