The most valuable tool in combating homelessness is providing adequate housing, something the city of Durango and La Plata County acknowledge they lack. Connecting unhoused residents to organizations .
Durango Police Department
Wednesday 6:18 a.m. A vehicle was broken into at Burger King, 1415 Main Ave. 9:41 a.m. A disgruntled man was harassing someone in the east 100 block of Seventh Street.
Durango Police Department
Monday 9:49 a.m. Someone was throwing trash everywhere at Spanish Trails Inn & Suites. 1:31 p.m. A woman was trying to cash a fraudulent check at Wells Fargo Bank.
Monday 12:43 a.m. A person at Greenmount Cemetery, 900 Cemetery Road, was arrested for trespassing.
Sunday 1:57 a.m. A person near the intersection of East 15th Street and Main Avenue was arre.
Durango Police Department
Monday 12:48 a.m. Three or four people were threatening someone at Spanish Trails Inn & Suites, 3141 Main Ave. 7:57 a.m. Someone reportedly broke into a vehicle a.