The Guardia Civil, within the framework of operation ‘Skianet’, has arrested an 18-year-old man who distributed paedophile material through a messaging group with more than 1,800 members for ten alleged crimes of creation and distribution of child pornography, against moral integrity and sexual freedom. Following complaints filed last September, investigators were able to verify that
The Supreme Court (TS) has confirmed the 24-year prison sentence for a man who murdered his partner in San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), whom he put in a bathtub and doused with petrol before setting her on fire. The Criminal Chamber confirms that the man committed the crime of murder with
The special traffic operation continues through the weekend in Castilla la Mancha, Madrid and Valencia in connection with the Labour Day holiday on Wednesday. Caravaca de la Cruz in Murcia celebrates their second local holiday, and today there are lots of similar holidays around the country, far too many to list, but one of note,
In our last Spanish news of the week, 63.5 million to acquire more than 1,500 new ultrasound machines, Golden Visa withdrawal will have hardly any impact on sales by foreigners, and self-employed must allocate half their monthly income to taxes and contributions. The special traffic operation continues through the weekend in Castilla la Mancha, Madrid
The General Council of Economists (CGE) has published its latest report on the tax bill of Spanish households. Taking into account the average income declared by the self-employed, the cost of taxes and social contributions is, on average, between 45% and 60% of their turnover. A self-employed person with a gross income of 3,100 euro