Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh ruling YSR Congress party will launch its flagship ‘Jaganannaku Chebudam’ redressal programme on Tuesday, May 9, 2023. The citizens can register grievances by dialling the toll-free helpline number 1902. Earlier, the YSRCP government had a Spandana programme and this public outreach programme is being seen as an improvisation of the existing
AMARAVATI: Andhra Pradesh government will launch a new redressal programme called Jaganannaku Chebudam from May 9, with the objective of hearing out people’s problems and resolving them on the spot. The programme aims to enable people to directly report their grievances to the Chief Minister’s office (CMO) through a dedicated helpline number -1902, the Chief Minister YS Jagan
AMARAVATI: A delegation of Village/Ward Secretariats Employees Association led by its honorary president K Vemkatrami Reddy met Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy at the camp office and thanked him for the declaration of probation of Village / Ward Secretariats employees. Village/Ward Secretariats Employees Association President Bheemreddy Anjan Reddy, General Secretary