trying to avoid this outcome for months and paid a visit to saudi arabia in july after he vowed to make the country a pariah over its human rights abuses. dagen: the fist bump fell flat along with the president s promises to lower gasoline prices for americans struggling with inflation. president biden: i m doing all i can to increase the supply for the united states of america, which i expect to happen. i m using every lever available to me to bring down prices for the american people. i have a plan to bring down the cost of gas and food. i m doing everything in my power to blunt putin s price hike and bring down the cost of gas and food. i led the world to could odd nate the largest release of global oil reserves in history. dana: jacque heinrich is live on the north lawn waking up to difficult headlines. there were reports they were trying to work the opec members up until they lost. there sure were. tough day here for officials at the white house. yesterday they a
directly blaming new york governor kathy hochul saying that she failed and there is a lot more to this horrifying tragedy. david lee millers is live in the newsroom. good morning, david lee. this deadly saga began in late september. as you point out 30-year-old woman posted a video online that shows her being beaten by her husband near buffalo. after viewing the video he was charged. the charges did not give a judge discretion to require bail under new york law. he was also served and order of protection. a day after being released he shot and killed his wife after forcing her car off the road as she was driving her three young children to school. he is now behind bars and pleaded not guilty to murder and three counts of endangering the welfare of a child. he had a violent past serving 15 years for adementing to kidnap an exgirlfriend. new york law does not allow the judge to take into consideration whether a defendant is a danger to the community. her mother says cashless
hopes on former president obama. bill: he was stumping wasn t he? georgia, michigan, wisconsin. a desperate attempt to drum up enthusiasm. democrats bracing for what could be a bad night. watch. i understand why you might sometimes just want to tune out. just watch football. but i m here to tell you that tuning out, milwaukee, is not an option. you have a choice between folks who will say anything and do anything to get power, and leaders who share our values. dana: underscoring democrats concerns the fact that new york is now seen as a battleground state. lee zeldin has a real chance to become the state s first republican governor in two decades bringing in heavy weight surrogates to help him over the finish line. the other thing he will do and what new york really needs to do, you need to stop codling criminals. stop turning them loose on the street. if you do crime, you must do the time. we want a government that isn t passing pro-criminal laws. we want district
a 26-point shift from voting for democrats since the wall street journal s august poll. that also suggests the issue of abortion rights faded in importance after democrats sought energy on the issue this morning. republican vega is campaigning with youngkin. he snapped a republican losing streak in virginia last year connecting with suburban women on education. when everybody said last year no republican can win in virginia, no republican can win the suburbs. they re too blue, the media is too strong. they forgot to do one thing, ask the voters. bill: vega is running against democratic incumbent-spaing berger. she is arguing government is out of touch and hurting those trying to provide for their families. i find myself having to go to three different grocery stores
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