In 1946, a significant milestone in space exploration was achieved when a 35-millimeter motion picture camera captured the first-ever images of Earth from space.
Astronomers have long sought signs of extraterrestrial life, with a recent study proposing a novel approach: panspermia, suggesting life spreads through space on meteorites.
A recent study conducted by planetary scientist and astrobiologist Fabian Klenner and his research team at the University of Washington sheds light on the potential for life on Saturn s moon Enceladus
NASA is providing space enthusiasts with an enthralling voyage through the cosmos, offering captivating glimpses of planets, galaxies, and distant cosmic phenomena using its advanced telescopes
Scientists on NASA s Juno mission to Jupiter have unveiled captivating aerial views of Jupiter s moon Io, showcasing two remarkable features: a towering mountain and a serene lake of cooling lava.