gere in t gere. however frank lampard had a shot, comes off the underside of the cross bar, goes in, a good yard in perhaps. the referee doesn t see it the assistant referee doesn t see it so they dount count the goal. we ll get into that in just a moment. but it was hugely controversial. germany, meanwhile, weren t too bothered about that. they went forward, scored a couple mover goals. soy guess in the end it wasn t that crucial. but the fact that that goal was not put up on the board by the referee, changed the flow of the game. and fredricka, for a lot of american fans, i think it doesn t make sense how this could happen. because in a lot of sports over there, you do have instant replay. and there s been a lot of debate here in south africa. and in europe all the time as well about why football doesn t have instant replay. the governing body, fifa, doesn t want it. but this isn t an episode that they will want to see too many