your mother. she goes, what are you talking an about? anti-jinx. many layers of sox why would anybody think you murdered your wife? paraphernalia. it s deep, profound and and then it goes on and on. how he s adamant about passionate. tonight is different. demonstrating his version of events to her. it feels it feels like a and goes into the tub and sadder and wiser boston, but actually puts his body in the tub to try to demonstrate his somehow, we pull together. version of events. she s absolutely incredulous, and carry on, you know. like why are you doing this? almost as if he s putting on a it s really it s wonderful case. it all boils down to doth that this has happened this year. you know what i m saying? i do know what you re saying. i think i know what you re protest too loudly. then the mistress angle. saying, james taylor. very soon after the death of his what is it about your music that has this i feel like crisis wife, he takes his family to a mormon temple and sa