adages three entered 58,000 homes and businesses are still without power across the chicago area 75,000 outages are reported in the western region 29,000 in the south and 53,000 in the city of chicago. monica schneider is live at kill some park with a reportgilson park with a live repot some people did get lucky here they got some power but many did not looking and downtown wilmettte says it all that looks like a ghost town at the moment in this northern suburb it will continue to look this way until commonwealth edison can get electricity restored sadly nothing can restore this 265 year-old bicentennial ash tree one of the oldest such trees in the entire state of illinois in was a proud local landmark here is a picture of what it used to look like courtesy of the village president the village has done a lot to treat it and save it over the last few years they kept alive through by the infestations and all kinds of things but mother nature ultimately took the tree down . we