over policy, impeachment is a constitutional process that congress must utilize as necessary. tucker: do you want to know what the left is up to? it s not hard to define. there is a code, write this down. listen carefully to what they deny. that is always the real answer. you are not supposed to impeach a president over policy differences, says adam schiff. he s right about that. that is exactly precisely what they are doing. christian white and serves at the senior advisor at the state department, he s a veteran man now and joins us live tonight. this is in fact an argument over policy, christian. wouldn t the rest of us be better off if we could have an honor policy debate? that would be a lot better. what looks like a bunch of deep state cry babies wailing over the process and not being
listen to the state department veteran george kent one witness who testified today that conflict with russia is the entire point of american foreign policy. the united states has very clear national interests and ukraine. their success is in our national interest, the way we have defined our national interest for the pastrope 75 years. our strategic cam for the entirety of mike jervis career is not possible without a ukraine, hole, free, and at peace, including crime era, territories occupied by russia. tucker: the territory of ukraine is essential to america. our own borders mean nothing. defending them is racist anduk immoral. everyone in washington knows that and they ll remind you of that if you think otherwise.
tucker: they trusted james o keefe more than they trusted their own employees. that tells you a lot. great to see her tonight, thank you for that. over in new york state, senator kevin parker introduced legislation to give the vote tor convicted felons. inmates, people currently in prison, would be eligible to register and vote from behind bars. i parker is notorious. in albany he was arrested after punching a traffic cop in the face and attacked a new york post photographer. late last year he came on their show to defend gun buyers to submit their social media accounts to state scrutiny. here s how that went. this law simply says let s look at what people are putting out on social media as a set part of a set of criteria we are using to determine who gets handguns. tucker: you are talking for people to turn over their social
tickets and mets tickets. tucker: they are bribing criminals? if you re someone who is here illegally, you will be released back on the street if you committed one of the crimes i mentioned. it s very concerning. people need to get involved and write to the governor immediately. go to my website and look at the list, send a message to the governor. this is the one of the things they passed this year. tucker: governor cuomo not the guy on cnn but his brother. you come on and i ask you, it st a terrible idea to give prisons the vote. you think that s bad, there is worse? not only a lot worse but it makes sense they want the prisoners to vote because that s who they are putting first in the state of new york. the criminals. b tucker: thank you for coming on, even though that was depressing.
media pass words so you can decide if they said things that were naughty and then they don t get to own a gun. what other constitutional rights are dependent on your approval? we should also have the state police review for social media accounts of the people were making requests. tucker: this is the guy who punched the cop. nicole serves in the legislature for new york state. she is not running for congress and staten island and brooklyn. she s been on the show a lot, we think she is sensible. nice to see you on set. this idea which some of us dismiss out of hand let people vote from the prison cells? this makes sense for new york. this legislative session iss about putting criminals before law abiding citizens. tucker: yes. if you look at the long list. policies they pass this year from revamping bail reform.