those soviet claims that it was a spy plane including footage of the soviet pilot who actually shot down the korean passenger plane explaining why he did it. soviet television news showed scenes from an airplane cockpit over the peninsula. the radar screen clearly shows where land and sea are located, the commentator said, therefore it s difficult for the korean airliner pilot not to know where he was. a soviet reporter interviewed the first pilot who intercepted the airliner. the intruding plane did not have any lights on, he said. there s an alert, the commentator says. united states planes are again trying to violate soviet airspace. they tried ten times this day. a soviet television reporter interviewed the pilot who downed the korean airliner. he fired four warning bursts of tracer bullets across the nose of the plane, he said. flashed his lights, waggled his wings. the intruder did not respond. the pilot said he received a
the soviet pilot who actually shot down the korean passenger plane explaining why he did it. soviet television news showed scenes from an airplane cockpit over the peninsula. the radar screen clearly shows where land and sea are located, the commentator said, therefore it s difficult for the korean airliner pilot not to know where he was. a soviet reporter interviewed the first pilot who intercepted the airliner. the intruding plane did not have any lights on, he said. there s an alert, the commentator says. united states planes are again trying to violate soviet airspace. they tried ten times this day. a soviet television reporter interviewed the pilot who downed the korean airliner. he fired four warning bursts of tracer bullets across the nose of the plane, he said. flashed his lights, waggled his wings. the intruder did not respond. the pilot said he received a clear and definite order.