On Wednesday, 26 July 2023 the news broke of the arrest of Boris Kagarlitsky by Russia's federal security service, the FSB, which quickly transferred him from Moscow to Syktyvkar, in the far north, charged with “apology for terrorism”, with a trial announced for September, where he faces seven years in prison.
Rudolf Sprenger's 1934 critique of the Bolsheviks and their role in the 1917 Russian Revolution, arguing they were ultimately a movement of bourgeois revolution in a predominantly peasant country and therefore not only unserviceable as a revolutionary practice for the international working class, but also one of its heaviest and most dangerous impediments.
An account of the effects Russian Revolution on the Russian syndicalists and anarchists, and vice-versa, by a leading Russian anarcho-syndicalist of the time.
Fresh on the Heels of his Sold-Out Performance at Padma Musical Series in Bali, George Harliono Claims Silver Prize in Prestigious Tchaikovsky Competition.
God received some good press when President Dwight Eisenhower signed legislation that put the phrase In God We Trust on the U.S. currency. That happened this week in 1955, and, despite court challenges over the years, the inscription still stands.
Eisenhower took action to counter the Soviet Union, which was actively suppressing all theological expression. The totalitarian Soviet State replaced the God stuff.