Taking away someone's right to vote after it has been given, filing off five-pointed stars fashioned in plaster or ending train station announcements in "their" language does little to win wars, Eero Epner finds.
Asko Kivinuk, head of the Government Office's monuments working group, said on the "Vikerhommik" morning radio show that Estonia has already mapped out 265 Soviet monuments, instead of the initial figure of 130, and that it could grow to over 300.
Architects of Estonia's Victims of Communism Memorial Kalle Vellevoog and Jaan Tiidemann find that the Maarjamäe Memorial's dignified landscape presence has potential both as a place of remembrance and a public park, while an open architectural contest is needed to find the best possible solution.
The days of the removal and rethinking of Soviet monuments could serve as an opportunity to look to the future and abandon altogether the practice of creating political and ideological monuments of dedication, ERR opinion editor Kaupo Meiel finds in Vikerraadio's daily comment.
We are not erasing history but public space cannot force on people messages they cannot avoid and that we consensually find offensive, filmmaker Ilmar Raag writes.