In 1989, the Ukrainian punk rock band Vopli Vidopliassova released a semi-official cassette tape called “Tantsi,” or “Dances.” In 2019, the original session tape was rediscovered, and in 2023, Tantsi was finally officially released. It now serves as a time capsule from late-Soviet Kyiv, where Ukrainian punks were rebelling against repressive rule from the Kremlin, and
In 1989, the Ukrainian punk rock band Vopli Vidopliassova released an album called “Tantsi” or “Dances.” In 2019, the original session tape was rediscovered, and in 2023, Tantsi was finally officially released.
Author Patricia Nicol reveals a selection of the best books on Ukraine, including You Don t Know What War Is: The Diary Of A Young Girl From Ukraine by Yeva Skalietska