The Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) released the colorful commemorative “2024 Year of the Wooden Dragon” postage stamps to welcome the New Year.
Le gouvernement va recevoir entre le 1er et 2 novembre 2023, le ministre d'État pour les Affaires Externe et Affaires Parlementaires de l'Inde à l'occasion du 189e anniversaire de l'arrivée des travailleurs engagés indiens à Maurice. Cabinet has taken note that Hon. Shri V. Muraleedharan, Minister of State for External Affairs and Parliamentary Affairs of
Les membres du Cabinet ont pris note de l'introduction au Parlement de l'introduction du French-Speaking Union Bill lors de la prochaine séance, du Mauritius Agricultural Marketing (Amendment) Bill, de la promulagation du Professional Architects’ Council (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 ainsi que celle du Captive Insurance (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations 2023 et de la fin de
Successful entrepreneur and philanthropist Robert Coyiuto and his contributions to the Philippine Insurance Industry were recognized by the Philippine Postal
The Philippine Postal Corp. (PHLPost) released stamps to commemorate the 100th birth anniversary (1923-2023) of successful entrepreneur and philanthropist Robert Coyiuto and his contributions to the Philippine Insurance Industry. A patron of the arts and culture, Robert was a philatelist or stamp collector who loved to do handwritten notes to his children. Whenever his foreign