next, there was a lavish blessing ceremony in a 12th century villa on italy s coast. mark flew in a dozen gifts from the states. then mark topped it all off by renting chicago s field museum and inviting 110 guests for another formal reception there. those were the memories that kept running through michelle s mind as she and her mother waited for mark to return. but when the sun set that night and mark had not returned, as the captain had promised, michelle knew something was horribly wrong. but what? there were no reports of an accident involving mark, no signs of foul play, no ransom notes. only questions. was there a note of any kind? nothing. no message, nothing. i went through the boat like a crazy person just tearing everything up looking for something. and the only two things i found was 1,000 euros and my passport
together. i would rather not have some big fabulous present and just have you lay with me by the pool and not be sneaking around. and what did he say? he said, you never want to trust me about surprises. you really need to trust me. this is going to be huge. if michelle knew anything about her husband, it was that he was a born romantic who went all out for special occasions. it had only been five years since fate had brought mark weinberger into her life. changing it in ways unimaginable at the time. it all began with a ladies night out at a chicago bar. i saw him at a bar. he was out with his friend who had recently gotten divorced. and we just started talking and we hit it off. i thought he was really intriguing. she was michelle kramer back then, a 25-year-old college student from a blue collar family still living with her folks.
i would have, yes. and that day came and went with no phone call, no letter, nothing. and that made me realize that i needed to take care of myself and try to get back on my own two feet. mark was still alive. she knew that because, even though she hadn t heard from him since that brief phone call in greece, credit card statements were still coming in to their home in chicago. he s going to the biggest fashion houses across france and buying clothing and he s at casinos. and you re back and you can t even pay the water bill. right. and i m sitting there crying every night listening to our songs, you know, mourning his loss and he s in the south of france. his credit card tally in the south of france alone added up to more than $50,000. since there s no law against disappearing, michelle couldn t really go to the authorities. it seemed the only people even interested in finding mark weinberger were his creditors. but michelle wouldn t give up.
in 15-degree-below weather and prove my manhood, unlike anyone else has ever proved it. it makes perfect sense to me because that s exactly what a narcissist does. so this is my camp. monica recorded this video of her boyfriend s mountain campsite on her cell phone. so the city is growing a little. though his tastes for having the very best gear money could buy is evident, the new and improved alpine mark demonstrates he has learned the value of improvisation. these are $8 gardening gloves, and i got sick of getting my hands wet with my expensive 100 euro high-tech gore-tex gloves. in this clip, mark and monica have found an unoccupied shelter on the mountain. it s not as posh as that chicago townhouse he once owned, but after months of living alone in a tent, this shelter seems to suit him. if i owned this place, i
deserted his wife in september 2004 the picturesque greek isles where dr. mark weinberger deserted his wife in september 2004 are half a world away from the rust belt region of indiana where he made his fortune. mark weinberger was not from indiana. he didn t grow up on hoop dreams or the hope of a union job. in fact, he didn t even live here. according to pulitzer prize winning writer buzz who wrote this article for vanity fair and consulted with us on this story, mark weinberger was a nerdy kid from a wealthy new york suburb who was driven by sibling rivalry to outshine his brothers. mark figured, the way to be the apple of my parents eye is to do well in school. he went to the university of pennsylvania, then went to ucla medical school where he thrived. he could have established his ear nose and throat medical practice anywhere, but in 1996 he chose merrillville, indiana. it was close enough to chicago that he could live there and have chauffeurs drive him to his office ev