CENTRALIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Dispute • A 47-year-old homeless man from Graham was arrested and booked into the Lewis County Jail for violation of a protection order after …
CENTRALIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft • A 36-year-old Centralia woman was cited for shoplifting alcohol from a store in the 500 block of South Tower Avenue at approximately …
CENTRALIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal trespass • A group of homeless people were trespassed from city-owned property in a wooded area in the 500 block of Harrison Avenue …
CHEHALIS POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft • At 8:15 a.m. on Oct. 25, a caller in the 200 block of Southeast Prospect Street reported vandalism that occurred sometime overnight and …
CENTRALIA POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft • An unidentified suspect reportedly broke into several cars parked at a stadium in the 2500 block of Mt. Vista Road just before 8:40 …