Some residents of the South T-Bar Ranch in the Tallahassee area northwest of Cañon City recently failed to convince the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety to deny a uranium exploration permit to an Australian company. Their appeal to the DRMS followed limited protests to the Board of Commissioners at a public hearing last […]
South T Bar Ranch is a cautionary tale for Coloradans. Colorado law allows for split estates, surface rights of land to be split from sub-surface mineral rights.
Residents of a community near Cañon City have fought Australian company Global Uranium and Enrichment's exploratory uranium drilling, but a Colorado mining board has allowed it to proceed.
Many residents of a community 45 minutes from Cañon City are alarmed by an Australian company's plans to drill in the subdivision as it explores the uranium deposits beneath it. An appeal by a homeowner to stop the prospecting failed last week.