UpdatedTue, Mar 9, 2021 at 9:09 pm ET
Come Taste Freedom
As Passover Approaches An Immersion Drive Through Experience
In preparation for Passover, Chabad Lubavitch of Michigan is taking you back in time to ancient Egypt. It s time to experience what Jewish Ancestors did, so many years ago. Meet Moses and King Pharaoh, see the plagues, feel the miracles, and get ready to taste freedom! A driving virtual experience!
It has been a year of virtual first and now Passover is getting its first and it is called, FREEDOM Sunday, March 21st 11am -3pm and 5pm-8pm, Monday, March 22nd 2pm -5pm and 6pm - 8pm and Tuesday, March 23rd 2pm -5pm and 6pm - 8pm.