Pictured from left, Chautauqua County Town and Village Highway Association president Dave Babcock, of the town of Westfield, is flanked by Salvation Army majors John and Kim Merchant as well as Scott Trisket, Sam Ognibene and Tim Card during a presentation of $1,000 and over 1,000 toys. For the last 17 years, the association has held a toy drive to provide county children with toys on Christmas morning.
P-J photos by Cameron Hurst
Santa Claus’ Christmas Eve voyage is still 12 days away.
But a donation this week by a group of highway supervisors might have provided a local outreach organization with enough toys to fill Jolly Old St. Nick’s bag for those Chautauqua County children most in need of a smile on Christmas morning. Photo by Cameron Hurst
Pictured from left, Chautauqua County Town and Village Highway Association president Dave Babcock, of the town of Westfield, is flanked by Salvation Army majors John and Kim Merchant as well as Scott Trisket, Sam Ognibene and Tim Card during a presentation of $1,000 and over 1,000 toys. For the last 17 years, the association has held a toy drive to provide county children with toys on Christmas morning. Photo by Cameron Hurst
Town of Westfield Highway Supervisor Dave Babcock unloads boxes of toys with Salvation Army Major John Merchant on Wednesday.
Photo by Cameron Hurst
Pictured from left, Chautauqua County Town and Village Highway Association president Dave Babcock, of the town of Westfield, is flanked by Salvation Army majors John and Kim Merchant as well as Scott Trisket, Sam Ognibene and Tim Card during a presentation of $1,000 and over 1,000 toys. For the last 17 years, the association has held a toy drive to provi