also the upper midwest, my family s in new hampshire, which is getting hard hit. right, you know, it s been a real challenge for us because minnesota, michigan, wisconsin, maine, new hampshire have all been in a surge roughly for the last three to four months, and this is very similar to what we have seen in the united kingdom. unlike what we ve seen, for example, in india where we had a very, very rapid increase in cases late spring, early summer, but then case numbers dropped right back down to baseline within six to eight weeks. that s what we ve seen in the south and particularly in the southern sun belt states this summer. what we don t know is what s going to happen with the southern great lake states. you can see how the case numbers are increasing there. we could be in for a rough few weeks ahead of us here, and again, it s going to be what does omicron do and how is that going to spread, and that s the real question. and as you ve been pointing out, the cdc is now reportin