The me that in the age continue to face obstacle of the obstacle when the gates to pay that closed the doors through starvation. That opens martin and also the population over to 1000000 people are facing. Get this that off tongue of children go to the out of dying for lack of food and lots of these easy, comprehensible, and then finally advisable. Nothing can justify the collect these punishments of the policy and people tell me about mood is in reference of and also with low on how this announcement for additional age is being opened. And when this decision is implemented, were going to see a significant increase in deaf loving human atoria in it, but so far and the problem is with the practical side of this decision, how is it going to be implemented . And is it going to be implemented properly . Or not the, the old, the past month, the talks about it. Its just a limited amount of trucks carrying food, supplies, and essentials and survival life. And id be very limited and we talk ab
Good evening. Im not sure the microphone is on, can you hear me . You can . Great. My name is Vanessa Beasley and im the dean of them at Vanderbilt University. Tonight its my Great Fortune to welcome you to this panel, the wonderful discussion that will have about the presidency of Richard Nixon. Im also happy to invite you to a conversation which will have on that same theme and question. Before we get started, in earnest though, it is fitting that we take a moment to remember the space that were in and who founded it. Tonight we are gathered in the First Amendment center in Vanderbilt University which was founded by. [inaudible] you may not remember him or be aware ofs legacy but he served as 43 years as an awardwinning journalist for the tennessean. As retirement he was editor, publisher and ceo. In 1982, he became the founding editorial director of usa today. He served in that position for a decade. He left journalism in the early 60s to serve in the Us Justice Department as Admini
Good evening. Im not sure the microphone is on, can you hear me . You can . Great. My name is Vanessa Beasley and im the dean of them at Vanderbilt University. Tonight its my Great Fortune to welcome you to this panel, the wonderful discussion that will have about the presidency of Richard Nixon. Im also happy to invite you to a conversation which will have on that same theme and question. Before we get started, in earnest though, it is fitting that we take a moment to remember the space that were in and who founded it. Tonight we are gathered in the First Amendment center in Vanderbilt University which was founded by. [inaudible] you may not remember him or be aware ofs legacy but he served as 43 years as an awardwinning journalist for the tennessean. As retirement he was editor, publisher and ceo. In 1982, he became the founding editorial director of usa today. He served in that position for a decade. He left journalism in the early 60s to serve in the Us Justice Department as Admini