had to the movement. we accepted a way of peace as a way of life to wear nonviolence as way of life, as a way of living. we forged an agenda in the mind of the country. the movement begins with montgomery, becomes the sit-in campaign, the freedom ride, the birmingham campaign, the mississippi summer, the selma to montgomery march. history will record that those singular cumulative acts of courage transformed the south. transformed the country. we wanted to change america, make america better, not just for our generation, but for generation yet unborn. all of the civil rights, all
in public accommodations, in education, in employment. if a court finds you guilty of violating some part of the civil rights law, and if you continue violating the law, you can be fined or put in jail until you stop violating the law. three civil rights workers have disappeared in mississippi. they have not been heard from. so far only one clue, the burned out station wagon in which the three were last seen riding there is little hope that they are still alive. schwerner, chaney and goodman were found shot to death at the in the grave at the base of a recently built dam just six miles from the city of philadelphia. their bodies wrapped in plastic bags numbered one, two, and three were taken to the state medical center in jackson for identification and examination.
the marches, all the people who have died in the civil rights struggle will have died in vain if once the opportunity, once the doors are open, no one is prepared for it. i know there s got to be several young people here who are like 5 years old, right? it s now becoming a possibility that that young man by the time he is 50 could be running for the president of the united states. some time ago, something small that dwru or slithered, lurched like a swamp thing out of the mud and moist earth of
you know what johnson says to them? well, what the hell is the presidency for then? no memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor president kennedy s memory than the earliest passage of the civil rights bill for which he fought so long. johnson gets that civil rights bill moving in the first few weeks after kennedy s assassination. dixiecrats led by richard russell announced a filibuster. that is they would continue to talk and prevent the bill from coming forward for a straight up or down vote. this bill which we feel is a perversion of the american way of life and a great blow at the right of dominion over private property that has been the genesis of our greatness. lbj and his allies knew they were short. so thus began a 24/7 campaign.
the people who come here, these children like any other backward children should be treated. and here is the news. there is some mystery and some fear concerning three civil rights workers, two whites from new york city and a negro from mississippi. police say they arrested the three men for speeding yesterday, but released them after they posted bond. they have not been heard from since. they paid the fine and i released them, and they escorted them to their car. and that s the last time we saw any of them. we got word that mickey and andy and james had been arrested. and there was no word what had happened to them.