It was when Etelvina Ramos Campo was four years old that she first became aware that she could die. In her nightmares, a boa surrounded her, broke her fragile bones and left her body at the mercy of other beasts. Almost half a century later, a snake is no longer the antagonist of her […]
On April 10, 2023, at 11:30 a.m., four men arrived at Maydany Salcedo’s house. “I’m with the target and awaiting instructions,” was a phrase repeated several times by one of the men on the phone with his boss, paralyzing Salcedo with fear. The man stood at the door of her house while the three others […]
Despite the need to help stabilize the Middle East and recover fromrecent natural disasters, the United States should not reducesupport for Plan Colombia at this time. Colombia is an importantSouth American trade partner and democratic linchpin, andcontinuing this partnership will sustain stable markets for U.S.businesses and reduce the regional instability caused bylawlessness and narcoterrorism.