The new multipurpose path connecting Santa Claus Lane and Carpinteria Avenue will be open through Labor Day weekend before re-closing for final barrier railing installation
Housing and Development Newsletter
The South Padaro and Santa Claus Lane undercrossing will be reconstructed with a new clear-span bridge, onramps and offramps. The bridge will feature an arch and beech-wood plank details, according to SBCAG.
New sidewalks, lighting, bike lanes, parking, and landscaping will be added to improve pedestrian areas and bike connections.
“It’s going to connect our community,” said First District Supervisor Das Williams. “Historically, the northern Carpinteria and southern Carpinteria communities have been divided by class, race, and a freeway. That is being erased by the connections that the project has already provided.”
The Padaro segment will create bike connections between Santa Claus Lane and the beach, and increase drainage and flood control capacity, Williams said.