MATTAWA – Last week’s South Grant County candidate forum featured unopposed candidate for Grant County Fire District 8 Commissioner Debra Crain, who spoke during the forum about GCFD 8 and gave advice to the public.
MATTAWA Unopposed and opposed candidates for Mattawa City Council and Mattawa mayor attended the South Grant County candidate forum Oct. 25 at Wahluke High School, put on by the South Grant County Chamber of Commerce.
Incumbent mayoral candidate Maria Celaya and incumbent council candidate Brian Berghout were not in attendance. Candidates answered the same questions and spoke about various topics and issues in Mattawa.
MATTAWA – The South Grant County Chamber of Commerce hosted a candidate and small municipality forum Wednesday evening at Wahluke High School, featuring current officials and candidates for Mattawa City Council and Mayor, Wahluke School Board, Grant County Fire District 8 and Grant County Airport District 1.
MATTAWA – The South Grant County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a candidate and local agency forum Wednesday evening at Wahluke High School from 5-7 p.m.