4:13 PM July 27, 2021
Work on the £4.6m redevelopment of Great Yarmouth s outdoor market is set to finish by April or May 2022.
- Credit: Arielshotsuk Instagram
Key milestones for a number of big projects around Great Yarmouth have been outlined in the borough council s annual action plan .
The document, to be discussed at a meeting of the policy and resources committee on Tuesday (July 27), outlines the projects and activities Town Hall will be working on over the next twelve months.
Some of the projects are further down the line than others in terms of development - and here is a list where seven of them are at:
2:44 PM April 27, 2021
The new Yare Gallery, in the former Nelson Museum building, on South Quay in Great Yarmouth.
- Credit: Yare Gallery
The former Nelson Museum in Great Yarmouth is set for a new lease of life when it reopens next month as an art gallery.
Having exhibited items dedicated to Admiral Lord Nelson for 17 years, until the museum s closure in 2019, the building will soon display paintings and sculptures by both local and international artists.
Now named the Yare Gallery, the premises on South Quay is owned by the Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust (GYPT) and has been revamped as a new, free-to-enter art venue for the town.
1:58 PM March 9, 2021
5:24 PM March 9, 2021
Drone images are capturing the pace of work in Great Yarmouth where a new bridge is being built crossing the river Yare.
- Credit: Simon Carter
The changing landscape of Great Yarmouth s riverside has been captured by drone.
Just weeks into a major two-year project to build a third river crossing the streetscape is already much changed with homes and gardens flattened.
Photographer Simon Carter has launched his drone over building works for the third river crossing, documenting progress so far. This shot shows Queen Anne s Road where a terrace of homes used to look out over Mind s community garden.