Two Dorchester residents, Michelle Harrington and Patti O’Keefe, have organized a donation drive for teens and adults experiencing homelessness by hosting a “yoga celebration” on April 16th at the Artists for Humanity Building in South Boston. The “Gather for Good” class will be led by the acclaimed Boston bodyworker and former owner of South Boston Yoga, David Vendetti.
Goodbye, 2020!
Turning a new page during this tough time is enough of a reason to celebrate, though New Year’s Eve in Boston is looking different this year. Gone are the crowds in Copley Square ringing in Jan. 1 with festivities, and fireworks over the harbor. But since First Night has been leading the celebrations in Boston since 1975, the organization isn’t just packing in the confetti this year, especially when we all could use some cheer. The revelry is shifting online, with hours of streaming entertainment for Bostonians to watch safely at home while we plan for a brighter year.