10,000 square feet, per planning code 121. 1. And merger of a lot greater than 5,000 square feet in the rto district 121. 7. These are the entitlements before you. The existing structure at 1965 market is historic. In 1924, it was built as a mortuary and funery chapel. A third floor was added in 1933. The building is eligible for the National Register with commercial development and north neighborhood for its distinctive Spanish Colonial Mission Revival architecture and the savings and loan established. The project would retain the 1965 historic facade and retain the uses for interpretive display to be permanently installed in the retail space. The project sponsor has elected to utilize the state and city bonus as implemented by planning code 206. 6. In accordance with the departments policies, theres been a 96unit project. Because the sponsor is providing 14 Units Available to lowincome households, the project is eligible for one concession they seek the concession to allow developmen
Any opposed . Motion carries. We are now on item 6, the San Francisco zoo. Hello, good morning. Tanya peterson, director of the San Francisco zoo. I am happy to i an announce that the january kids for free program was successful and over 12,000 children came to the zoo for free during the month of january. Tsz it is february. Love is in the air, so twoforone admission for the senior citizens. As we discussed earlier, i do not qualify. If you are 65 or older, two for free in february. Speaking of sweethearts t new male and female, the male on the left and female snow leopard on the right, we brought them in and were match maker of sort. The first meeting went well and now they are into speed dating. We are hoping speed dating. Hoping to get a cub soon here. Speaking of cubs, our bears turn one. We will have celebrations over the president s weekend. And as you may recall, we had online bidding auction for their naming rights. The names will be revealed this weekend. And time in our educ
I am paula murphy. I lived in San Francisco for the past 25 years. For the past 10 i have been playing tennis in San Francisco mostly on public courts. Jumping off what peg said i want to focus my comments on what a huge benefit having lights at golden Gates Tennis Center will be. Imagine you work for a living, which i think most of us do, that you cant afford to be a member of the private club, and you play doubles. Mosmost of us of a certain age y doubles. You know, what are your options for playing tennis other than weekends . You get into your cars or on your bike or whatever, Public Transportation and go across the city and all four of you meet there and you just cross your fingers and hope that nobody is playing. Often times there is someone playing, there is people waiting. Then you decide, okay, are we going to wait two hours and stand here or try to go somewhere else . Then you all get in cars or on your bike and go somewhere else and hope the same situation doesnt await you.
Good afternoon. It is now 1 05 p. M. This is the regular meeting of the commission of Community Investment and infrastructure. The Successor Agency commission to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for tuesday, february 20, 2018. Welcome to members of the public. Madame secretary, please call the first item. Thank you, madame chair. The first order of business is item one, role call. Commission members, please respond when i call your name. [roll call] all members of the commission are present. The next order of business is item two announcements. A, the next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on march 6, 2018 at 1 00 p. M. At city hall room 416. Please be advised that the ring of and use of cell phone, pagers and similar soundproducing Electronic Devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any persons responsible for the ringing of or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar soundproducing electro
Members of the public that wish to address the commission fill out a speaker card and submit the completed card to the commission secretary. The next order of business is item three, report on actions taken at a previous closed session meeting, if any. There are no reportable actions. The next order of business is item four, matters of unfinished business. There were no matters of unfinished business. The next order of business is item five. Mares of new business consisting of con sent and regular agenda. First, the Consent Agenda 5a, approval of minutes, regular meeting of january 16, 2018. Madame chair . Madame secretary, do you have any speaker cards for these items . I have one. Ace washington. We have a month in the year, i think theyre still shortchanged as they give us the shortest month of the year. What do you think about that . Thats not to say what this agency, dont take it personally, please. But i want yall to hear me. I wish i could get on my knees. I might have to do tha