Though La Nina has produced little force on the start of Brazil s growing season, it has had been more significant for Argentina. Dryness concerns continue to impact developing wheat and corn planting. Some producers are going to have to make some tough decisions over the next couple of weeks.
Despite La Nina conditions that typically lead to drier weather in southern Brazil and a delay to the wet season in central Brazil, rainfall during the last week and forecast for the coming week are favoring a good start to full-crop corn and first-crop soybean planting.
The start to the wet season in central Brazil usually comes in the last few days of September. Models suggest there may be some rains next week ahead of its official start.
Weather conditions in South America during the spring planting season offer some mixed signals but point more toward a hot and dry start for most areas in the 2022-2023 season.
Weather during the safrinha season quickly turned from favorable to unfavorable in central Brazil, but opposite from unfavorable to favorable in southern Brazil, balancing some of the poorer conditions farther north.