The olympics in paris, well, i think there should be public publicity, and in principle we plan to publish this investigation now with journalists, for example, in french, and the greater the pressure of people on the olympic committee, the better, that is, public publicity, this is probably the only thing that can be done, ah, because in principle, if you mention the Second World War there and when the olympics were held there in germany, then this is such a smooth deterrence of the aggressor, there, for example , the prohibition of soprapor. Use, it does not lead to anything good, and the only normal way is to simply not let them in, because we will also remember, after the 14th year in russia there was the euro, and the olympics, and how did it end with the invasion of ukraine, that is, if we continue to allow to the olympics, then things will only get worse, and the only way is public publicity and a strict barring of all russian athletes to the olympics. Of course, there is anothe