The Department of Energy recently released its much-anticipated report on electricity markets and grid reliability. Much like the Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor boxing match, the main event was compelling but completely overhyped. But despite the unnecessary politicization, the study does provide useful information that federal and state policymakers should leverage to implement market-oriented reforms in the electricity industry. Before diving into the findings and policy recommendations of the report, let’s take a step back to remember how we got here.
Although long overdue, the Bush Administration's NSRrecommendations are a step in the right direction to ensuringreliable and affordable supplies of energy for Americans.
검찰이 납품업체와 거래내역을 조작해 거액의 비자금을 조성한 혐의를 받는 신풍제약을 15일 압수수색했다. 검찰은 경찰에서 용처를 밝히지 못하고 송치한 사건을 다시 들여다보면서 돈이 흘러간 경로를 살펴보고 있다. 서울중앙지검 형사7부(성상욱 부장검사)는 이날 신풍제약 비자.