can share your experience, then they re not alone. it s always interesting to me how when you, you know, i bring it up, meeting somebody for the first time and they say, oh, i m sorry to bring it up. and i m thinking about it all the time. exactly. exactly. it s one of my arms. it is an extension of who i am. and quite possibly for the rest of your life. without a doubt. it be it s been 31 years since my brother died. and my father longer. my brothers died 45 years ago and sometimes i go how come nobody s asking me about paul? but how would they know to ask? they don t know i m thinking about him. and they would be uncomfortable to ask. this is going to sound weird. i for a long time and probably
respect for what your colleagues are doing. ed: on the other hand republicans might have made their point though the post is saying this morning house democrats may open all this up as you suggest by mid november because they feel like they are losing, the democrats are the messaging war because it s all behind closed doors. i think a lot of people are frustrated on both sides. i know this is going to sound weird. these are not the impeachment hearings. the impeachment hearings have to be held in public by the house judiciary committee. this is the initial interview of witnesses to see what they have to say to determine whether or not they are even worthy of presenting evidence of impeachment. ainsley: they will continue to go on and on and on until they find something on the president, right? yes. that s what police and prosecutors do. they come to a conclusion that the person is probably guilty, and then they look for evidence to support or to negate that. that s what congressman
moment. we still, of course, do not know what the complaint, itself, is, but i have to tell you, the washington post just moments ago posted the next big development in this story. this is a story from washington post which has just posted, it cites two sources in saying that the whistle-blower s complaint about president trump involves the nation of ukraine. there s been a bunch of speculation about this over the course of the last 24 hours. in part just because of the t e timeline here. i don t mean to be weird, this is going to sound weird, but don t take it that way. if you have been watching this show over the past few weeks, you are probably better equipped to understand what s going on here, this latest version of this story. you are probably better equipped to understand what s going on here than your friends who have better things to do at 9:00 p.m. eastern on a weeknight. so, this story, this part of the story in this new development that this complaint about president tr
there s been a bunch of speculation about this over the course of the last 24 hours. in part just because of the timeline here. i don t mean to be weird, this is going to sound weird, but don t take it that way. if you have been watching this show over the past few weeks, you are probably better equipped to understand what s going on here, this latest version of this story. you are probably better equipped to understand what s going on here than your friends who have better things to do at 9:00 p.m. eastern on a weeknight. so, this story, this part of the story in this new development that this complaint about president trump may involve the nation of ukraine, this is this ought to ring a bunch of bells for you because we ve been covering this pretty intensively. two weeks ago on september 5th, the washington post ran this on the editorial page and even though it was on the editorial page, it contained this remarkable claim.
45 years ago, sometimes i m like, why isn t anybody asking me about paul? how would they know to ask? they don t know i m thinking of him. right. they would be uncomfortable to ask. i, actually, this is going to sound weird, but for a long time, and probably still to this day, wish that i had a scar. i wish i had, like, a scar no, like more like a bond villain running down my eye and my face that s unavoidable for people to see because it would sort of it would just be a silent signal to everybody i meet that i m not the person i was meant to be or i m not the person that i started out being. but you re entirely the person you were meant to be. i don t know. maybe not. maybe this is a warped version of so there s another timeline with a happier anderson cooper? yeah. i mean, no, i mean, there s not doesn t exist in alternate universe, but, yes, i guess i guess that s what i mean about, like, but that s your faith. my experience, an example of my mother and