hearing on capitol hill. fbi director christopher wray on defense over the agency s alleged preferential treatment of democrats. senior, national correspondent kevin corke joins us here in the nation s capitol. good evening, kevin. kevin: you could call it a bipartisan be down today. hobbled and pilloried by the right and left for that matter at that hearing today on capitol hill. while his opening statement offered a forceful defense of the bureau, house members wasted little time in taking aim at the director for what they called corruption. and historically poor lead leadership. you preside over the fbi that has the lowest level of trust in the npr s history. people trusted the fbi more when j. edgar hoover was running the place then you are. you don t give straight answers. you give answers that later in court are deemed not true. kevin: wray fired back saying his agency remains popular. expect in your home state of florida, the number of people trying to come work
sound predictors. i will give you a view. i had cricket tacos in mexico city. i had horse meat should see me in tokyo. i had snake fruit in thailand. there s an ice cream shop where you can get ice cream with go milk on it. goat milk on it. mike: the places you have been is amazing in and of it itself. i went to the rattlesnake roundup. i jumped in the. with the regulars and they fight them up and i would like to say it tasted like chicken. it was kind of shady, though. we asked our twitter and instagram followers if their they are adventurous or picky eaters. the results show on twitter adventurous eaters, 39%. he eaters, 61%. on instagram, adventurous eater, 44%, picky eater 56%.