(Archived document, may contain errors) 95 1 July 20, 1993 SLQWINGTHESPENDINGSTAMPEDE A FIVE-DAY WAlTlNGPERIOD FOR CONGRESS INTRODUCTION This fall, Congress will go on a spending binge n the course of six or eight weeks legislators will approve bills ap propriating over half a trillion dollars in spending for fis cal year 19
Introduction On June 25, 1997, President Bill Clinton circumvented a long-established White House regulatory review process by endorsing a controversial Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposal that would tighten the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the allowable levels of particulate matter (PM) and ozone.2
WILMINGTON — Donna Lee Girardot lost her battle with cancer and went to her rest on April 11, 2023. She was proceeded in death by her beloved husband of 52…
In a recent speech at the American Enterprise Institute, outgoingFederal Communications Commission Chairman Reed Hundt echoed theconcerns of countless policymakers when he asked, "is it [theTelecommunications Act of 1996] working?"