shutting the government down. kpt do it like that. but we ve got to be willing to go into a room and talk about what we need do to reoopen this and i believe there needs to be a little give and take on both sides. i agree with that but here s the truth of it. we were at that space where there was give and take and folks have given and taken and agreed this would be the deal. theicize is the one who up is this the apple card here. and now you have federal employees who are going toing have to figure out what they re going to do and stave off creditor and figure out how to buy food. that sound clip of him passing the fwuk anyone but himself and that s not the leadership the country needs right now. house speaker nancy pelosi is insistent they won t provide any money to build the wall. she s called an immorality and slammed the president for walking out of yesterday s
clearly attorney general sessions doesn t have 2 confidence of the president and all i can say is that i have a lot of respect for the attorney general but that s an important office in the country and after the election i think there will be some serious discussions about a new attorney general. joining me now is washington post columnist e.j. dionne, washington post opinion writer jennifer rubin and former u.s. attorney joyce vance. i want to play one more sound clip of lindsey graham from july of 2017 and quite a different take that lindsey graham had on the possibility of donald trump firing jeff sessions back then. take a listen. this effort to basically marginalize and humiliate the attorney general is not going over well in the senate. if jeff sessions is fired there will be holy hell to pay. e.j., what happened?
calling for the assassination of president trump and then you ll be in his white house. if you accuse the president of treason that would be the penalty, right? let s play a quick sound clip from rand paul talking about this? i think there is a great danger to having talking heads on tv who are ex-c.i.a. agents and still have classified clearance. a real danger they might inadvertently reveal classified information. i don t think that ex-c.i.a. agents of any stripe who are now talking heads should continue to get classified information. it s wrong. julie: he is talking about being a contributor on a cable news network. certainly that s not very friendly to classified information but here is the other argument. these government officials, the reason that they do not get their security clearance revoked much like in the government and white house they need to go back in in order to talk with others that are still working currently in their former role in order to advise
economy is strong. it s actually trickling down to real people number one and number two, that the president is keeping his promise to not forget about the forgotten man and forgotten women. that could actually break through. i m not saying the plucks are going to win. that is going to be a tough year for them. judge: ed, when you think about it was 15 now it s down to 5. they were predicting a slaughter. correct. because real people are feeling the economy. nancy pelosi set this barrier. don t anybody vote for it, right, as the president said in that sound clip. no democrat is on record for tax cuts that are helping the economy, number one, and number two, nancy pelosi said it s just going to be crumbs. it s not really trickling down to anyone. those numbers, the president s approval ratings coming up and fox poll shows the gap between democrats and republican notice midterm is tightening. real people are feeling real benefits. judge: what would be very good if someone ran for o
what people didn t grasp is and if you listen closely to that sound clip that leader was saying that there was an old fence from the 1990s in calexico, in california on the mexican border and it was all broken down. it was recycled steel. just a few feet high. and they are redoing it right now as we speak. to 30-foot high bollards. another way of saying 30-foot high bollards, judge, is a wall u. judge: clearly. people keep saying he is never going to build the wall. the president says i m going to build it he is building it as we speak. people don t realize it. judge: i you know what, ed, between the wall and money in their checks and deregulation and making sure that middle america gets their jobs back, it might not be as predictable as some think. that s why it s tightening. judge: we appreciate your input. thanks, ed. joining us is former democratic ohio congressman and current candidate for ohio governor is dennis kucinich. all right, good evening, what shall i call you,