that black spirit, that darkness. he just points the gun at my forehead. the first thing i started thinking of was my children. at first i was saying what does kidnap mean? my dad was stolen by bad guys. i lost everything that i knew just like that, gone. it was such a mystery, who was behind this. it was just tearing me apart. i was suffering so much. we if it takes everything we have, everything i can humanly do. i saw things that no 12 -year-old should see. i mean just the cruelty of incredible fear and agony. when is this going to end? and all the hell that we went through on all the pain has made us unbreakable. the green and white taxi parallel down the highway, something was wrong. why had the man paid ten times the fair for a simple package delivery? we can didn t pry open the alarm full of. the cabbie pried open the package. their terrifying story, more than a decade in the making was about to come to an astonishing climax. i was 12 years ol
it said that i had been fooling around enough. and that eduardo had sent me a package and that i needed to immediately go to a certain place on a highway, to a specific mile marker and a certain number of meters off from the highway in a specific direction there would be an open area with a patch of dirt that was darker than the surrounding dirt. and that i needed to unearth the package. she was horrified, was in his fingers? the federal agent afraid for james safety send someone else to follow the kidnappers direction to the buried package wrapped in plastic. and? it was not severed fingers it was a sheet of iou sound by eduardo. with these signed the kidnappers jen could get a loan for the ransom. i was supposed to not hopefully be more successful in