In a cinematic rendezvous between Kolkata and Bangladesh, the film “Hubba”, directed by Bratya Basu, is set to captivate audiences on January 19. Notably, the movie features acclaimed Bangladeshi actor Mosharraf Karim alongside talents like Indraneil Sengupta, Sraboni Das, and Soumik Haldar amongst others.
Mosharraf Karim, who made his silver screen debut in Tollywood in 2021 with the film "Dictionary", directed by Bratya Basu, continues to explore new dimensions with his bold portrayal of the real-life Hooghly's dominant gangster, Hubba Shyamal, in his upcoming film "Hubba".
Described as a blend of thriller and comedy, "Hubba" introduces Karim in an unprecedented gangster role, showcasing his versatility once again. The film, scheduled for release in Kolkata theatres on January 19, also features Indranil Sengupta, Shravani Das, and Soumik Haldar in pivotal roles.