FLOYD, N.Y. – Oneida County sheriff’s deputies arrested a Floyd man who was allegedly involved in a domestic dispute at Green Mansion Trailer Park on Soule Road on Feb. 14.
HAMPDEN/WILBRAHAM – Director of Curriculum Lisa Curtain presented the results of the spring 2021 Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) test for grades three through five to the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District (HWRSD) School Committee on Jan. 20.
Jake is in his mid 80s and Gladys is in her 70s.
His home on Soule Road has been in his family for a very long time.
“When they built this house, there were no houses anywhere. There was nothing but the cemetery and up there where those condos and things, is a great big pasture with Red Bulls in it. Wasn’t anything but woods out here, and that’s the way it was,” said Jake.
Friday night was like any other night.
The couple was relaxing and Jake was watching football.
“Well I was sitting there watching TV and I smelled a little smoke. I looked back in the Florida room and I saw a flame. My wife, I called her and got the hose but we weren’t able to retain the fire. The smoke came in and the next thing I knew I dialed 911,” he said.