somehow it kept it from being one of the foundational things we understood about this little disastrous adventure that we ve been through in american politics in history. he did not start with any actual supporters. he started off as a famous person on tv who had to pay to fake it. to appear to have political support that he did not actually have. but faking it was good enough. you pay to fix it well enough, and for a long enough and if that s what it looks on tv and looks like on tv eventually you can turn the fake appearance of support into actual support. which ought to be a little bit of a soul searching thing, in terms of the american reckoning with authenticity in politics right. for all the ink and breath wasted for now even on the appeal of trump in his political future in his grip on his supporters. that part of how his presidency came to be sort of attributes straight in the political record. today technically it was, we
still available. please let us know. so the day after this reality show guy, donald trump announced his campaign for president we reported on the story. it s a remarkable thing, right? he was being treated by the republican party as her normal republican candidate but it s not normal for a politician to have to pay people to pretend to support his campaign. that sort of crazy, right? especially because at that campaign events old with actors, trump went out of his way to talk about his huge crowd and how much bigger his crowd of supporters was compared to the other candidates had their launch events. yeah, he paid for them? [laughs] that s a story, right? that should become a foundational thing that you know about a candidate. it s like finding out that a politician has a secret second family. you can never forget that and talk about what stints is on light rail. you keep thinking, isn t that the dude that has the second
discerning about it. i need x number of people to appear in x place at x time. they should all be dressed like, this they should behave this way. and then there s the terms of the deal. in total, its ex hours of work. look at a flex fee of x dollars. it s not an infrequent thing. there s nothing scandalous about it. this company, the extra mile, in new york city it s their business. nothing wrong with it. totally respectable business, totally legit. but the day after trump announced his presidential campaign and there was all this sort of corroborating circumstantial evidence that there was something a little weird and artificial about the crowd, the hollywood reporter did obtain an email sent from that company, the extra mile. it was an email blast sent out to their list of actors. their list of potential extras who they hire for all sorts of different gigs. it said, hi there, we re working with our associates on a big event happening on tuesday june 16th.
this is an event in support of donald trump in an upcoming exciting announcement he ll be making at this event. it will be televised. that s an important thing for people considering extras gigs. we re looking to cast people for the events to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement. the email continued. this is great. we understand that this is not a traditional background job, meaning it s not the traditional acting job would usually be hiring new for as an extra. they say, quote, but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought. this event is happening live and will be from a 40 5 am to 11:30 am. and in all caps, that s less than three hours. meaning, even if the sounds disgusting to you it s less than three hours and the rate for this event is $50 cash at the end of the event. it s not an easy way to make money? well we would love to book you if you re still interested in
the for the people act, obviously, is the subject of all sorts of activism and strategizing and worked and speech-ifying and we re seeing sort of pressure in all of the different ways that it comes including this increasingly dramatic direct action event. people engaging in peaceful civil disobedience. blocking traffic to include today in washington, dozens of women arrested, trying to do anything they can to move people s conscience to pass this thing. is there any movement where it counts and saw the u.s. senate among your colleagues who have not been willing to either change the senate rules to get to a place where democrats can pass this without republican votes or to potentially change minds in terms of turning no votes into guesses? there is many paths. first of all, i would abolish the filibuster. i know some of my colleagues are not yet in the same place.